We Are Now Rochester Rigging, Inc.

Today we announce exciting news: BVR Construction Company, Inc. has completed its acquisition of Rochester Rigging & Erectors, Inc.  While we are no longer a Woman’s Business Enterprise (WBE), we believe this combination creates an organization even better to serve our customers and provide a wide array of services.  The synergy between the two companies will offer exciting possibilities for company growth. 

BVR, shares the same values we do. BVR exceeded our hopes for a firm we can combine with and continue the tradition we have of excellent service and on-time and safe project fulfillment. 

Our new name is Rochester Rigging, Inc. and our company address and contact information remain the same. 

We have retained high-quality, committed employees over the years and we are most pleased that they will continue in their present roles which will make for a seamless transition. 

We are grateful to our many customers,  vendors and most importantly our amazing employees,  over the 34 years of a successful family business. The business would not have succeeded without all of you! We are grateful for your services, loyalty and friendship. 

We are confident that our new affiliation will serve us all well.

– Kelly Gilligan, President